Londres é conhecida por ser uma cidade extremamente cara (pelo menos para a maior parte das carteiras portuguesas) e também, por outro lado, por ter comida deliciosa. Desde fish and chips aos macaroons passando pelos chocolates decadentes do Harrods. Assim, é óbvio que quem vai a Londres não pode deixar de fazer alguma pesquisa sobre as imensas oportunidades deliciosas e baratas espalhadas pela cidade. Hoje venho-vos ajudar e recomendar (sem qualquer tipo de patrocínio, apenas a minha opinião) alguns dos meus sítios preferidos para comer em Londres, que já visitei ou estão guardados para uma próxima visita...
London is known to be an extremely expensive city (at least for the majority of people) but it's also known for it's delicious food. From fish and chips to macaroons, you'll lose your mind and money if you don't previously plan what coffee shops you want to go to. That's why I'm writing this post today (without any type of sponsor, only my opinion), to help you save a few pounds and tell you about my favourite places to eat in London. Some I already visited, others are saved for a next trip...
1) Cookies and Scream Bakery
Com cookies vegan, sem glúten e deliciosos (já provei os do Starbucks e estes são melhores) esta pequena pastelaria vai ficar marcada na vossa memória assim que provarem um dos cookies gigantescos ou fatia de tarte ou brownies ou sandwich de bolacha e gelado. Para a encontrarem só têm de ir até ao mercado de Camden Town, à parte dos restaurantes. Se estiverem com dificuldade em encontrar perguntem a alguém que foi exactamente o que eu, como boa turista, fiz. Dei 2£ por um cookie gigante e valeu cada penny, só me arrependi de não ter trazido outro. Por Camden Town há imensas barraquinhas com comida deliciosa. Por 4£ comi uma bela dose de legumes fritos e arroz xau-xau.
With delicious, vegan, wheat free and gluten free cookies, you won't forget this bakery as soon as you try one of their goodies. I tried a gigantic chocolate chip cookie (I can't remember the name) and it was de-li-ci-ous! I paid 2£ and it was worth every penny, the only thing I regret is buying just one. You can find this bakery in Camden Town market, in the resturants/food area. If you have trouble finding it just do what I did, ask someone!
In camden you can also find a variety of cheap food. There are many stalls selling food (especially chinese and japanese), for 4£ I ate a big portion of chinese food - rice with stir fry vegetables and it was pretty good!
With delicious, vegan, wheat free and gluten free cookies, you won't forget this bakery as soon as you try one of their goodies. I tried a gigantic chocolate chip cookie (I can't remember the name) and it was de-li-ci-ous! I paid 2£ and it was worth every penny, the only thing I regret is buying just one. You can find this bakery in Camden Town market, in the resturants/food area. If you have trouble finding it just do what I did, ask someone!
In camden you can also find a variety of cheap food. There are many stalls selling food (especially chinese and japanese), for 4£ I ate a big portion of chinese food - rice with stir fry vegetables and it was pretty good!
2) Whole foods market
Whole Foods Market credits
Este não é bem uma pastelaria ou café, é mais um supermercado de alimentos saudáveis, mas! Algumas lojas têm também uma zona tipo restaurante e uma parte com salgados e bolos take-away. Foi nesses bolos que vi estes macaroons a chamarem por mim. A 1£ cada um (ao contrário das 1.75£ na Ladurée e 3.75£ no Harrods) não hesitei e trouxe logo para a família toda; três de cacau e um de baunilha. Os de cacau eram uma ma-ra-vi-lha! Fofos por fora e com um recheio massudo e doce o suficiente. Fiquei a babar (literalmente). Esta cadeia de supermercados está espalhada pela cidade, eu fui ao de Picadilly Circus/Soho. http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/
Well, this isn't really a bakery or coffee shop, it's a healthy foods supermarket but some stores have a restaurant and eat in area. That's where I found these delicious macaroons calling my name. For 1£ each (at Ladurée they're 1.75£ and 3.50£ in Harrods) I didn't hesitate and bought enough for all my family. Everyone loved them! They're soft and moist on the outside and dense and sweet enough on the inside. In other words, they're amazing!
There are some whole foods stores around the City, the one I went to was in Picadilly. On their website you can find more information: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/
3) Subway
Não há nada que enganar. Sandes deliciosas e baratas. Por 2.29£ comi a sandes "Veggie Delite 6-inch" e era deliciosa. Com vegetais, queijo e pão de aveia e sementes tostado no forno. Há restaurantes da cadeia espalhados por toda a cidade, são muito fáceis de encontrar.
One that we all already know is Subway. With delicious, cheap and quick sandwiches it's a good option for lunch or dinner. For 2.29£ you can buy the "6-inch Veggie Delite" which is healthy, delicious and full of vegetables and cheese on a 9-grain honey oat toasted bread. That sounds good, huh?
You can find Subway restaurants all over the city, they're really easy to find.
4) Ben's Cookies
(Credits - Ben's Cookies Facebook)
Não há muito a dizer, a imagem fala por si e só provando os biscoitos é que se fica a saber o quão bons são. Com preços entre 1.45£ e 1.70£ vale a pena passar por esta pastelaria. Provei o "Double chocolate chunk" e escusado será dizer que fui ao céu e voltei. Mas sinceramente estes ficam muito próximos dos da Cookies and Scream...é díficil escolher um, mas para mim vence a Cookies and Scream pois são vegan e sem glúten! Mas vale a pena experimentar. A vossa alma pode ser mimada em Convent Garden, mas deixo-vos o site que indica onde existem outras lojas: https://www.benscookies.com/
There isn't much to say about this one, as they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words". You can only know how good these cookies are if you try them. Really, I can't explain! I tried the "Double chocolate chunk" and I can say it was paradise on my mouth. But honestly they're pretty close to the ones from Cookies and Scream. It's hard to choose but I think the Cookies and Scream ones win, only because they are vegan and delicious! Mindblown.
Though you need to try these at least once. https://www.benscookies.com/
There isn't much to say about this one, as they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words". You can only know how good these cookies are if you try them. Really, I can't explain! I tried the "Double chocolate chunk" and I can say it was paradise on my mouth. But honestly they're pretty close to the ones from Cookies and Scream. It's hard to choose but I think the Cookies and Scream ones win, only because they are vegan and delicious! Mindblown.
Though you need to try these at least once. https://www.benscookies.com/
5) Borough Market
Como já devem ter percebido pelo nome este não é um café ou pastelaria mas sim um mercado. O Borough Market fica situado perto da estação de metro de London Bridge e vende uma imensa variedade de comida como bolos, chocolates, queijos, pão, compotas, legumes frescos e comida pronta na hora. É o local ideal para almoçar ou lanchar mas têm de planear quanto dinheiro querem gastar pois, com tantas coisas boas, é difícil não perder a cabeça e deixar lá uma pequena fortuna. Infelizmente ainda não tive a oportunidade de o visitar mas no futuro isso resolve-se! Deixo-vos o site para mais informação: http://boroughmarket.org.uk/
As you can tell by the name this isn't a bakery or cofeee shop but a market. Borough Market it's located near London Bridge underground station and it sells a huge variety of food like cakes, chocolates, cheese, bread, jam, fresh vegetables and take-away food. It's the perfect place to lunch or dinner but you need to plan how much money you want to spend because it's hard not to lose your mind and spend a fortune there. Unfortunately I didn't have the chance yet to visit it but one day I will! http://boroughmarket.org.uk/
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